
Baby Clinics
Child Health Surveillance
A letter will be sent to you from Child Health with the date and time of your babies appointment with the GP for their 6 week check.
Childhood Vaccinations and Immunisations
You will receive notification by post from the Child Health with the date and time of the appointment starting from when your child is 8 weeks old to pre-school age.
These appoinments are with our practice nurses and are held on a Wednesday morning. We recommend that all children attend their immunisation and pre-school immunisation appointments and please bring your childs Red Book with you. If you are unable to attend the date given to you, please contact the surgery to re-arrange.
Well Women Checks
Cervical Screening
You will receive a reminder letter to book your smear test from Cervical Screening Wales through the post every 5 Years (unless advised differently). These appointments are with our practice nurses, and you can book morning or afternoon times. Your results will be sent to you by post up to 6 weeks after your test.
Contraceptive Services
We offer afternoon Family Planning clinics with GPs and specialist nurses. You can receive confidential general contraceptive advice including oral contraceptives, injectable, implant and IUDs.
Pill review appointments are with our specialist nurses.
Maternity Medical Services
These are Midwife lead appointments held at the surgery. Your initial appointment is a telephone appointment with your Midwife where she will discuss your health history and arrange your scans. Then you will have face to face appointments after 16 weeks.
General Clinics
Vaccinations and Immunisations
You will be contacted about appointments for your vaccinations and immunisations by our administration staff. These appointments include Flu, Covid-19, shingles and pneumococcal.
We offer a full travel advice and immunisation service with our specialist nurses. If you are travelling abroad, please arrange an appointment at the travel clinic in plenty of time, we recommend 6 - 8 weeks before your journey. Vaccines need time to take effect and some may require a course over several weeks. Travel advice is covered by the NHS, however some vaccinations and prescriptions are only available privately. These costs vary and will be discussed with you at the time of your appointment.
Minor Surgery
Our doctors perform minor surgical procedures, which may include operations such as the removal of certain skin cysts, ingrowing toenails, incision of abscesses. You will be contacted by a member of our administration team when an appointment is available as there is a waiting list.
Appointments for joint injections are arranged by our adminstration team who will contact you with a date and time for you to attend an appointment as there is a waiting list.
Well Person Check
If you do not attend the surgery regularly or have not attended in the last 3 years you can make a well person check appointment. At this appointment you can discuss your health needs with our practice nurse, issues such as blood pressure, height, weight, smoking status and routine screening.
Diabetes Clinic
Patients will be regularly invited to their diabetic checks and reviews by our chronic disease team.
The team will arrange an appointment for you to attend the surgery for blood test, urine test, blood pressure and any other tests that you are due. You will then receive a date for your follow up appointment with our diabetic nurses.
Asthma Clinics
If you suffer from asthma our chronic disease team will contact you to arrange a review appointment with our asthma nurses. Please bring your inhalers with you to this appointment.
Anti-coagulation Clinic
We run regular anti-coagulation clinics.